Hitoshi Manabe

Hitoshi Manabe
I'm an Engineer in Tokyo. Interested in Augmented Intelligence.

Selected Projects


python, natural-language-processing, language-education

A Toolkit for Explainable Automated Text Scoring


python, kubernetes, fastapi, cookiecutter, docker, pytest

cookiecutter template for web API with python


natural-language-processing, word-embeddings, sudachi, japanese

Japanese pre-trained word embedding resource using large-scale corpus and multi-granular tokenization


python, embedding, knowledge-base, knowledge-base-completion

Implementations of Embedding-based methods for Knowledge Base Completion tasks


Octanove Labs.

2020.08 - 2021.05 (as a contractor)

Developing applications to support language learning.

LegalOn Technologies, Inc.

2020.04 - Now

Research/Software Engineer especially working on Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and Machine Learning.

WorksApplications Co., Ltd.

2018.04 - 2020.03

Researching the fundamental text analysis components and Developing dialog systems.


Nara Institute of Science and Technology

2016.04 - 2018.03

Master thesis: Data-dependent Learning of Symmetric/Asymmetric Relations for Knowledge Base Completion

Osaka Prefecture University

2012.04 - 2016.03

Bachelor thesis: Named entity tag replacement to improve Neural Text Simplification